Liechtenstein Post AG started offering bitcoin and cryptocurrency services to its customers

In Europe, there is a cryptocurrency friendly country by the name Liechtenstein, bordered in between Austria and Germany. It has a population of less than 38000. It has started offering Cryptocurrency exchange service in government governed post office Liechtenstein Post AG in its capital Vaduz. It will give cryptocurrency exchange service for Bitcoin and four other cryptocurrencies.
Liechtenstein Post AG has partnered with Zug-based Värdex Suisse which is Switzerland based largest crypto ATM network company in Switzerland, to provide cryptocurrency exchange services to its customers. It announced on Feb.15, that it has started selling Bitcoin at the counter of its capital city post office.
It has decided to take this decision in search of new business opportunity in a form of cryptocurrency exchange service. The Post stated:
"After an introductory phase, the offer will be extended to other post offices and the exchange of additional cryptocurrencies … It will then be possible to change bitcoin (BTC), ethereum (ETH), litecoin (LTC), bitcoin cash (BCH) and ripple (XRP)"
It has also announced that after purchasing bitcoin, customers will get “a physical crypto wallet” which will include the public and private keys both.
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